Brazilian Butt Lift
in Czech Republic or Turkey
Incl. hotel, night in the clinic + drugs + all extras
Brazilian Butt Lift
in Czech Republic or Turkey
Incl. hotel, night in the clinic + drugs + all extras

Brazilian Butt Lift

The Brazilian Butt Lift, known as BBL, is a plastic surgery procedure which is getting more and more popular. It consists in transferring fat from selected parts of the body such as the hips, thighs or stomach to the buttocks.
The Brazilian butt lift is for people who want to get rid of fat from other parts of the body, shape them, and at the same time enlarge their buttocks and give them a rounder shape.
A BBL surgery is performed under general anesthesia. The operation is done in two stages. The first is liposuction, which involves collecting fat cells from different parts of the body, such as the hips, abdomen or thighs. It is extremely important that fat cells are cleansed and damaged as little as possible. The second step is the surgeon’s transfer of adipose tissue to specific areas in order to achieve the desired effect of a fuller and rounder buttocks. The surgeon makes three to five incisions around the buttocks to transfer the fat.
Meditravel offers a free online consultation with a physician specializing in BBL operations. In order to make it, it is enough to send 4 photos of the silhouette: front, back and both profiles, via the form available below on the website. During the consultation, the doctor assesses whether the procedure is possible, and from which parts of the body fat cells will be collected.
Operation in the Czech Republic or Turkey

Both liposuction and incisions during fat transfer are closed by the surgeon with sutures. After the procedure, compression garments are put on, which should be worn for a minimum of 2 weeks. During convalescence, special care should be taken. You cannot sit on your buttocks for 6 weeks after the operation. During this time, you should sleep on your side or stomach until your buttocks have healed completely. The gluteal area may be swollen and sore. About 6 months after the operation, the swelling completely disappears. Before having BBL surgery, you should consider the recovery period and its limitations. It should be remembered that any weight reduction may affect the effects of the Brazilian butt lift treatment.
The advantage of the Brazilian buttock lift are natural results, because the fat taken from the patient is used for this, additionally the BBL treatment slims other parts of the body and shapes the figure.
For people who do not have enough adipose tissue, special Polytech silicone implants are used, which are placed over the gluteal muscles. Meditravel cooperates with an aesthetic medicine surgeon who is one of the best doctors in the world specializing in buttock augmentation with implants. The Brazilian butt lift is a procedure that is becoming more and more popular.
BBL price with Meditravel
- Possibility of organizing the hotel
- Possibility of booking your flights and transfers
- Possibility of organizing a translator for you
- Compression underwear
- Medication
- Free after care support for better recovery
Meditravel organizes and coordinates the entire trip from the consultation to the treatment. After the procedure, our consultants are available online for all patients throughout the convalescence period.
For the well-being and the highest comfort of our patients during their stay in the Czech Republic or Turkey, we provide a stay in a luxurious 4-star hotel in the center with breakfast included in the price.

Take the first step!
free consultation for you
Frequently Asked Questions
Meditravel offers a free online consultation. You only need to send one picture of your chest. A qualified surgeon will help determine the status of gynecomastia development and propose appropriate treatment.
The consultation is free and non-binding.
The trip to the Czech Republic for the procedure takes 3 days. The trip to Turkey for the procedure takes 8 days.
Yes, the procedure is performed under general anesthesia, but in some situations the procedure is performed only under local anesthesia.
The procedure takes about 2-3 hours.
After the procedure, compression garments are put on, which should be worn for about 2 weeks. You should not sit on your buttocks for 6 weeks, during which time you should sleep on your side or stomach. About 6 months after the surgery, the swelling completely disappears. During convalescence, special care should be taken.
The results of BBL treatment last for several years, because adipose tissue is naturally absorbed after some time. It should be remembered that each body reduction has an impact on the effects of BBL treatment.
In a situation where the patient does not have enough adipose tissue, special silicone implants are used, which are placed over the gluteal muscle.
Mediraty offers the possibility of financing medical treatments. The entire process is online. If you are interested, please consult our website. Our consultant will contact you and present an offer.