Plastic operation rhinoplasty nose

Nose correction
in Czech Republic or Turkey

Incl. hotel + transfer + drugs
– Free online consultation

Nose correction
in Czech Republic or Turkey

Incl. hotel + transfer + drugs
Meditravel Awards
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Istanbul Aesthetic Center Turkey

Istanbul Aesthetic

Istanbul Aesthetic Center is a Plastic Surgery Hospital located in the center of Istanbul, which was established to provide high-quality services using modern devices and a team of experienced doctors. The clinic focuses on reconstructive and cosmetic plastic surgeries.

It is one of the most reputable clinics in Istanbul, known for its very high customer satisfaction and quality. To maintain our own high standards, a “patient satisfaction analysis” is regularly performed and ways to further improve are discussed. The clinic constantly monitors all technological innovations and advances in the field of medicine in order to be able to provide patients with the highest standards of treatment.

The clinic has modern operating theaters, standard and VIP recovery rooms, specially equipped with the comfort and convenience of patients in mind. There is also an intensive care unit in the clinic. The Istanbul Aesthetic Center clinic is well connected with the rest of the city, which makes it easy for patients and their companions to move around.

Istanbul Aesthetic Center
Istanbul Aesthetic Center
Istanbul Aesthetic Center
Check out the before and after photos

Nose correction price list - Rhinoplasty


from 1999 €
You will get your final price after your free online consultation
  • Possibility of organizing the hotel
  • Possibility of booking your flights and transfers
  • Possibility of organizing a translator
  • Compression underwear
  • Drugs
  • Free after care support

Rhinoplasty is a solution not only to the aesthetic problem, but also to breathing problems

The shape and size of the nose significantly contribute to the overall appearance and expression of the face. Deviations from the norm in terms of shape and size cause problems not only of an aesthetic nature, but often also of a functional nature. In order to achieve a good result of the operation, sometimes the cooperation of an ENT specialist and a plastic surgeon is also necessary.

The clinic enables an aesthetic and ENT surgery to be carried out in one operation, thus saving both the physical and mental burden of the patient. Rhinoplasty is performed under general anesthesia and lasts up to two hours. Hospitalization lasts a maximum of two days, and weeks after

Meditravel patient reviews

Marek Kowalski
Marek Kowalski
Polecam serdecznie firmę Meditravel.Wykonałem tam operację plastyczną nosa,tzw. rynoplastykę i jedyne czego żałuję to,że nie zdecydowałem się na to wcześniej. Mój nos w końcu odzyskał swoje podstawowe funkcje, czyli mogę nim oddychać i ustał katar który miałem non stop. Dr. Gurhan Ozcan wyprostował moją przegrodę,zmniejszył mi nos i nawet usunął bliznę którą mam od czasów dzieciństwa. Pozatym ja i moja narzeczona mieliśmy szansę zwiedzenia Istanbułu,a wszystko było załatwione fachowo i profesjonalnie począwszy od pana Armena Israyelyan który z anielską cierpliwością załatwiał wszystkie sprawy typu,cena operacji,hotel,terminy itd. itp.,również Pani Monika Skorupa-Sproston która finalizowała cały proces i załatwiała już wszystko po stronie Tureckiej,a także Pani Agnieszka która była moją tłumaczyką i aniołem stróżem w Istanbule oraz sztabem kierowców i innych pracowników firmy Meditravel, dziękuję za wszystko i serdecznie polecam każdemu kto myśli o podjęciu się jakiejkolwiek operacji plastycznej.
Tomasz Gawlik
Tomasz Gawlik
Witam Państwa. Jestem świeżo po zabiegu. Można śmiało zaufać Meditravel Sp z o.o. wszystko zgadza się w 100%. Opieka, podróż, bilety, konsultacja, badania, personel w Klinice, opieka pozabiegowa. Proszę koniecznie pomyśleć o jakieś imprezie integracyjnej większej grupy pacjentów wraz z Waszym Personelem oraz Clinicany. Polecam z ręką na sercu!
Jakub Lupa
Jakub Lupa
Obsługa klienta na najwyższym poziomie - wsparcie od początku do końca, o każdej normalnej porze dnia wszystkie pytania znajdywały odpowiedzi. Podczas zabiegu kompleksowe wsparcie, bez niedopowiedzen. Wystarczy się umówić, i niczym później nie trzeba się martwić. 5/5!
Roman Chubar
Roman Chubar
Wszystko zorganizowane jest bardzo dobrze. Jestem zadowolony z usługi
Tomasz Łozinski
Tomasz Łozinski
Jedziemy do kliniki nie dla wygody i poklepywania lecz przede wszystkim dla efektów.A efekty są naprawdę porażająco dobre. Co ciekawe wygoda i miła oraz pomocna obsługa to tam chyba standart. Bardzo polecam.
Wojciech Polak
Wojciech Polak
Spotkałem się z wielką życzliwością personelu, który zawsze służył mi pomocą. Jakość usług w mojej ocenie bardzo dobra. Polecam.
Marek Kohut
Marek Kohut
Bardzo super wyjazd od samego przyjazdu do Turcji bardzo mila obsluga , pomocna tlumaczka:) nic tylko czekac na efekty :) bardzo polecam!:)
Cezariusz Blog
Cezariusz Blog
Polecam. Obsluga i dbanie o klienta 5/5. Zabieg został przeprowadzony w 2019 roku we wrześniu. Po ponad dwóch latach włosy nadal się trzymają. Przeszczepione nie wyleciały. Serdecznie polecam
Jerzy Zapolski
Jerzy Zapolski
Witam wszystkich zainteresowanych przeszepem włosów. Chętnie przekażę kilka moich spostrzeżeń które są prawdziwe i szczere. Cała załoga osoby które tworzą wspaniałą ekipę (zespół) dbają o wszystko od pierwszego kontaktu po załatwianie formalności następnie podróż do Tucji odbiór z lotniska transport cały przebieg pobytu wszystko było dopracowane. Jednak to co było najważniejsze to po co tam pojechałem : Przeszczep Włosów. Przygoda zaczęła się w Klinice i tam się skończyła pamiętam same wspaniałe rzeczy miłą obsługę uśmiechnięte pomocne osoby profesjonalny zespół typowe ludzkie podeście jest to rzadkość tam to otrzymacie bo inaczej nie potrafią pracować. Polecam warto wybrać tą klinikę.
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Covid-19 Information

The clinics are fully open and all operations are taking place as planned. We will inform you of any relevant travel requirements.


Frequently Asked Questions

The consultation form is available on our website. It is enough to attach 4 photos of the nose: both profiles, the front of the face and photos with visible nostrils – with the head tilted back. It is also possible to arrange a free video consultation with a doctor.

The consultation is free and non-binding.

The trip to the Czech Republic for the procedure takes 3 days. The patient spends the first day at the hotel, and the next day after the operation in the clinic.

The trip to Turkey for the procedure takes 8 days. The patient spends the first day at the hotel, on the second day the procedure is performed and the patient spends the night at the clinic, the patient spends the following days at the hotel, and on the penultimate day of stay, the patient is checked.

The treatment to Turkey is organized comprehensively. The package includes, apart from the treatment, a hotel stay, flight and transfers as well as an interpreter. You can also arrange air tickets and flight on your own.

Patients choosing a clinic in the Czech Republic usually come to the clinic by their own car. After the procedure, it is impossible to drive, so it is necessary to take the driver with you. Patients who have a longer journey to the Czech Republic arrive in the Czech Republic by plane. From Poland, you can easily find good air connections.

The procedure takes 1.5 – 2 hours depending on the type of procedure and is performed under general anesthesia.

Nasal surgery can be performed under local or general anesthesia. In the case of a complete correction of the nose, the operation is performed only under general anesthesia, then it is necessary to stay overnight in the clinic. The nose can be operated using the closed method, then the incision is made in the nasal passages and is invisible, or the open method, in which an incision is made on the nose post.

In the clinics we work with, you can perform any nasal surgery, both closed and open methods, as well as septorinoplasty.

A patient may be reimbursed for treatment costs if he / she has a crooked nasal septum or traumatic deformity of the nose and has received ENT recommendations. The decision on reimbursement of the incurred costs is made by the National Health Fund.

We work with Mediraty, which offers the possibility of financing medical treatments. The entire verification process takes place online. People interested in this type of financing, please consult our website and ask about the possibility of financing, then our consultant will find out and explain everything.

Swelling is visible in the first few days and the face may also develop puffiness and bruising. After removing the plaster, 8-10 days after the surgery, the bruising should disappear. The nose, however, may be swollen all the time.

Nose surgery is possible after the age of 18, when the nose has reached its mature shape. In the event of an accident, nose injury or other medical indications, the doctor decides whether the operation can be performed before the age of 18.

Rhinoplasties are performed under general anesthesia. After the surgery, the patient may feel discomfort and pain, and then painkillers are administered.

Before the operation, each patient must undergo a series of tests, only healthy patients are admitted to the operation.

The final effect is visible 12 months after the surgery.

In the first week after the procedure, you should refrain from physical activity, and later you can do light office work. Normal exercise is not recommended within 2 weeks of the procedure.

The results of preoperative tests should be brought to the clinic, not older than 14 days, without which it will be impossible to admit the patient to the clinic for the procedure. The tests can also be performed at the Clinic the day before the procedure, ID card and health insurance card, information on regularly taken medications – after admission to the clinic, they should be provided to the ward nurse. The patient will receive these medications in a regimen that will not interfere with medications given in connection with the procedure, toothbrush, paste and cosmetics.

14 days before the procedure, the most important thing is to perform the tests, without which it will not be possible to admit the patient to the clinic for the procedure. The tests can also be performed at the Clinic the day before the surgery. On the day of admission to the Clinic, you cannot have painted nails. In the evening and in the morning before the procedure, all personal hygiene procedures should be carefully performed.