Slim and beautiful for summer – aesthetic treatments you should take advantage of
Full summer is still a few months away. You can use this time to prepare for your holiday. However, it is not only about planning it, but also about taking care of your body. This will make us feel better in a swimsuit, tight dresses or short shorts. Preparing your body and skin for summer means that there are no vacancies in gyms and dietetic surgeries are besieged. However, it is not always possible to achieve the desired look by exercising and eating healthily, sometimes the help of aesthetic medicine is needed. So it should come as no surprise that spring is also the time when women are interested in beauty treatments. What are they? Is spring a good time for plastic surgery procedures? What aesthetic medicine procedures are worth performing in the summer?
Why opt for aesthetic treatments in spring?
The right time to undergo rhinoplasty or breast augmentation is practically every season of the year. In winter the body recovers faster and easier, while in summer we have more time to recover – we can take a holiday during the recuperation period. It turns out, however, that ladies most often undergo beauty treatments in spring. Liposuction or face lift are treated as preparation for summer – the time of year when we uncover most of our bodies and expose them most often. However, preparation for summer is not the only advantage of plastic surgery in spring.
Other benefits of plastic surgery in spring:
- Good weather conditions – some cosmetic procedures require loose-fitting clothing that does not directly touch the body during the recovery period, and spring weather is ideal for this; loose-fitting clothing made of natural materials with long sleeves and legs will help to hide the post-operative areas, while ensuring thermal comfort;
- good time for recovery – after each plastic surgery procedure it is necessary to provide time for convalescence as well as for its performance; a trip to the Czech Republic for a breast or nose operation requires 3 days, the next 14 days are for convalescence; in the summer we often want to spend our days off on holiday and have a well-deserved rest; Also, we often have to take care of children who do not go to school or kindergarten – in spring, classes are still in progress and young mothers have time to rest during educational activities; female students also like to choose spring for their plastic surgeries – a holiday break or a May weekend is a great time for an imperceptible nose correction;
- time to prepare for the operation – liposuction or plastic surgery of the breasts are procedures that require preparation; it is necessary to do basic blood tests and morphology; in the case of abdominal liposuction, it is also recommended to normalize weight and lose a few kilograms on your own; spring is a perfect time for this, because it is easier to mobilize to sports that can be practiced outdoors; higher temperatures also influence less overeating.
Plastic surgery performed in spring is an excellent opportunity to prepare for summer. A few spring months can be devoted to convalescence and achieving the full effects of the procedures. Thanks to this, the results of liposuction, breast or nose plastic surgery will look impeccable on holiday.
Which plastic surgeries to perform in spring?
One of the most popular plastic surgery procedures in spring is undoubtedly liposuction, i.e. fat suction. Thanks to it, it is possible to reduce the amount of subcutaneous fatty tissue, which makes it possible to shape the silhouette, make it slimmer and firmer. Liposuction is performed in the abdomen, thighs, waist and flanks, chin, as well as arms, buttocks, calves, knees and Venere’s rump. At Meditravel, liposuction prices start from €899. Liposuction procedures at this price are carried out in world-renowned Czech aesthetic medicine clinics, which offer modern treatment methods, experienced doctors and high-quality equipment.
Spring is also the time when many women decide to have breast plastic surgery. It allows for both breast enlargement and reduction. Its new size is chosen after consultation with the doctor. Tips on how to choose the size of implants, so as not to overdo it, can also be found on the Meditravel blog. The procedures we organise are carried out in Prague clinics that offer an optimal price-quality ratio. In Czech Republic, breast plastic surgery costs up to 50% less than in Poland and the quality of service is very high. The clinics have an experienced team, certified doctors, anaesthesiologists, equipment meeting the Western European standards, permanent postoperative care.
Another popular plastic surgery procedure performed in spring is the face lift. Its task is to eliminate signs of ageing such as wrinkles and furrows. The procedure restores a youthful appearance, improves skin tone and elasticity. The cost includes not only the operation, but also anaesthesia, stay in a clinic and hotel, medicines, preoperative and postoperative consultations, a Polish-speaking tutor in the clinic.