Breast Augmentation – step by step
Breast augmentation is one of the most common plastic surgeries performed all over the world. However, there are many myths surrounding it. For years it has not had a good press and because of that it is considered as a woman’s whim. Meanwhile, women decide on breast plastic surgery for various reasons – not only to increase their physical attractiveness. Much more often they want to take care of their psychological comfort. Thus, breast augmentation surgery is performed, among others, after mastectomy or in case of very big problems with acceptance of one’s own body. Regardless of why you want to undergo breast augmentation surgery, you should know how it looks like.
History of breast augmentation
Dreams of having larger breasts have always been held by women. However, breast augmentation surgeries have emerged relatively recently. They started to be performed during the World War II. Their technique, however, significantly differs from the modern one. Low level of advancement of medicine at that time made breast enlargement dangerous and life threatening. Today it is completely different. Breast augmentation no longer involves stuffing bags of cotton wool sterilized in boiling water. The latest methods are safe, minimally invasive and effective. They are based primarily on the use of specialized surgical implants filled with silicone or saline. Occasionally, polyurethane implants may also be used.
Breast augmentation and the choice of the surgeon performing the operation
The breast augmentation procedure is performed by a plastic surgeon. His choice is crucial and affects the achievement of the desired results. Clinics performing plastic surgery are not lacking in Poland and abroad. However, not all can boast of efficiency and high quality customer service. A patient in a clinic should be provided with comprehensive care from the first contact and initial consultation to the end of rehabilitation. The detailed process of breast augmentation should also be explained to her – step by step. During the entire procedure you should receive not only medical assistance supported by extensive experience, but also psychological support before, during and after the procedure. Good contact with the doctor and medical staff is extremely important for your comfort and sense of security.
To meet these expectations, and using the years of experience and knowledge in Meditravel works only with proven clinics. They have international accreditations and certification such as JCI-ISO. This guarantees that the medical equipment and devices meet the highest medical standards and the doctors boast knowledge, experience and preparation to guide the patient through the entire process of surgery. Support is also provided by our consultants, who are on hand at all times to make sure the process is going well, as well as to provide assistance and answer any questions.
Breast augmentation – How to prepare for the procedure?
The first step of breast augmentation surgery is a consultation. In Meditravel you can have it free, online. To take advantage of this opportunity, you need to add photos of your breasts from the front and from both profiles, leave your personal information and describe the problem. In response, a medical consultant will guide you through the entire process of qualification for the procedure, discuss the possibilities and proposed solutions both in terms of the type of implants and their filling, the shape of the breast prosthesis.
The patient before the operation should also perform laboratory and imaging tests such as:
- Breast ultrasound
- Chest X-ray
- blood group
- morphology
- creatinine and urea
- glucose
- electrolytes
- coagulation indices (APTT, INR)
- HbS, HIV and HCV antigens.
This will help rule out contraindications to surgical breast augmentation. These include autoimmune diseases, blood clotting disorders, cardiopulmonary insufficiency, liver and kidney failure. It should also be remembered that breast augmentation surgery can only be performed in women whose breasts have already been fully formed, that is, from the age of 16-18.
Breast augmentation – What does the surgery involve?
Breast augmentation surgery is performed using a variety of methods. Implants may be inserted through an incision made in the subpectoral fold, in the inguinal fossa or around the lower edge of the areola. The doctor may also place them under or over the pectoral muscle. Regardless of the methodology chosen, breast augmentation is always a surgical procedure. This means that it is performed by a physician – a plastic surgeon – and a surgical team, meaning an instrument technician, an anesthesiologist and an anesthesia nurse. The procedure requires the administration of general anesthesia. It lasts about 3 hours, and you must stay in the clinic for about 2-3 days.
Recovery after breast surgery
The final step of breast surgery is recovery. The doctor will inform you about its recommendations, already at the pre-operative stage, during the preparation. You should be aware that every patient must undergo convalescence. Normally it takes up to several weeks (about 3-4). Most patients resume normal life activities after 2 weeks, but only after 6-9 it is possible to start exercise and sport. During that time it is also necessary to avoid lifting hands up, wear special post-operative underwear and carefully watch your body. After the operation you have to reckon with pain and general discomfort that may occur.