- Intimate surgeries
by Meditravel
Intimate surgeries – Five questions to ask during the consultation
As women grow up and go through certain stages in their lives, many often experience changes in their bodies, including the vaginal area. However, many women feel embarrassed or uncomfortable about the changes in how they look and feel. Changes in the vaginal area can be caused by many factors. Including pregnancy, childbirth, weight fluctuations and the natural aging process. Women who are unhappy with these changes often undergo aesthetic intimate surgeries.
The term ‘aesthetic intimate plastic surgery‘ can cover a wide range of procedures, both surgical and non-surgical. These types of procedures can help tighten the vagina and also change the shape of the outer vulvar area.
Typical aesthetic intimate surgeries include:
Labiaplasty minora: correction of the inner labia minora.
Labiaplasty majora: Reduction of the outer size of the labia majora.
Vaginoplasty: Repair of vaginal flaccidity by removing excess skin and rebuilding and tightening the vaginal wall.
Hymenoplasty: Reconstruction, repair or restoration of the hymen.
Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation: This non-surgical treatment uses laser therapy to gently create tiny micro-injuries that induce collagen production, regenerating tissue and vaginal walls.
Radiofrequency vaginal rejuvenation: Radiofrequency treatments, use a device that provides controlled volumetric heating to safely stimulate and rejuvenate vaginal tissue and muscles.
As you can see, there are many options when considering aesthetic intimate surgeries. The best way to decide on a procedure or combination of procedures is to schedule a consultation with a certified plastic surgeon who is experienced in these procedures.
We suggest doing your research and preparing a list of questions in advance for your consultation. Doing your research ahead of time will help both you and your surgeon set goals and create a plan. To get you started, here are five questions we recommend asking during your consultation.
1) Are you a good candidate for an intimate surgery?
This question will lead you to discuss some of your biggest concerns about the vaginal area. Women who are more concerned about the size and length of the vulva area can have labioplasty performed. While others who experience minimal vaginal flaccidity may benefit most from a non-surgical procedure. This is also the time to discuss your current eating habits and lifestyle. Leading a healthy and active life will help to improve the results of the procedure.
2) What is the recovery time?
Planning ahead will play an important role during your recovery. Some procedures are more invasive than others, so knowing what to expect and how to prepare will help alleviate stress. Once you know which procedures will be right for you, you should start planning. You may need to plan time off, enlist the help of friends and family during recovery, and prepare a meal to make downtime much less stressful.
3) How will the surgery be carried out?
Any medical procedure can cause anxiety, but discussing the details of the procedure can help ease any worries. Your surgeon can guide you step-by-step through the process and answer any questions you may have. Non-surgical procedures usually take between 30 minutes and an hour and no downtime is required, whereas labioplasty can take between one and two hours and a recovery time of two to five days.
4) What are the risks?
Today’s advances in plastic surgery have made many procedures much safer and more effective. However, every medical procedure comes with some risk. Obviously, invasive surgery has more risks than non-surgical options. You should be aware of these risks and discuss your options with your surgeon to be well informed and confident in your decision.
5) What results can you expect?
It is important to be realistic and understand the time frame in which you may see results and how long those results will last. Depending on the procedure, results may be immediate or may take up to three months, or longer. Results also depend on the woman’s genetics, the specific procedure chosen and her compliance with follow-up care. It is important to discuss all this with your surgeon.
Don’t stop with these five questions. Do your research before your consultation and write down all your questions to help you and your plastic surgeon develop a treatment plan. Ask as many questions as you have, because it is important that you have a good knowledge and positive feeling about your surgery.