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Grafts – a guide to the hair transplant method

What are grafts?

Grafts, also known as hair follicular units, are one of the key components of a hair transplant. Grafts are highly significant in the hair transplant procedure as they enable the recreation of a natural appearance and hair density in the patient.

During a hair transplant, the doctor removes grafts from the donor area, most commonly from the back of the head or its sides, as the hair in these areas is genetically resistant to falling out. Subsequently, the doctor transplants the grafts to the recipient area, where the patient wishes to restore their hair density, such as on the crown of the head.

Each graft can contain from 1 to 4 hairs. Depending on the individual needs of the patient and the planned hair density, the doctor decides on the number of hairs required for transplantation. The more grafts are used, the denser and more natural the results can be.

Hair follicular units within the grafts are a crucial part of the procedure. These units contain stem cells responsible for the growth of new hair. After the transplant, the stem cells initiate the development of a new hair structure, which gradually grows and adapts to the natural hair growth pattern of the patient. As a result, the transplanted hair looks very natural and harmonizes with the surrounding hair.

It is also essential to note that the hair transplant process using grafts is a permanent procedure. Transplanted hairs maintain their characteristics and durability throughout the patient’s life.

Hair Transplant Procedure – Progression

  1. Consultation and Evaluation: This is a pivotal moment that determines whether the patient is a suitable candidate for a hair transplant. The doctor assesses the type of hair loss, its stage, hair quality, and the patient’s expectations. During the consultation, potential risks and side effects can also be discussed.
  2. Procedure Planning: During this phase, the patient collaborates with the doctor to determine which areas of the head will undergo transplantation, the quantity of grafts, and the expected final result. It is essential to have a precise understanding of what can be achieved through the procedure.
  3. Patient Preparation: Before the transplant, the patient may be asked to discontinue certain medications that may affect blood clotting, such as aspirin. Avoiding alcohol and smoking for several days before the procedure is also recommended.
  4. Anesthesia: The hair transplant procedure is conducted under local anesthesia. This ensures that the patient does not experience pain or discomfort during the procedure.
  5. Graft Extraction: Depending on the chosen transplantation technique, hair is extracted from the donor area on the patient’s head. In the case of the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method, hair follicular units are individually separated using micro tools. In the FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) method, a strip of skin with hair is removed. Recipient Area Preparation: Preparing the area to which the hair will be transplanted involves creating microchannels or openings where the hair follicular units will be placed.
  6. Hair Transplantation: Hair follicular units taken from the donor area are precisely placed in the prepared microchannels in the recipient area. The doctor carefully selects the transplantation locations to achieve a natural appearance for the new hairline.
  7. Procedure Completion: After completing the procedure, the areas are secured, and the patient may be fitted with a headband or bandage to minimize swelling and provide protection to the transplant sites. Return Home: The patient is released from the clinic after a short observation period. Within a few days, they can return to normal activities, although swelling, redness, and slight discomfort may occur at the transplant sites.
  8. Recovery Period: The patient must adhere to the doctor’s instructions regarding care and avoiding factors that may affect the healing of the transplanted hair. Proper hygiene should be maintained, and strenuous physical activity should be avoided, with the head protected from the sun.
  9. Final Results: The ultimate results of the hair transplant in Turkey become apparent after several months when the transplanted hair begins to grow naturally. After a few months, the patient can enjoy lasting and natural-looking hair.

Hair Transplantation by DHI and FUE

Methods DHI Method (Direct Hair Implantation)

DHI hair transplantation is one of the advanced hair transplant techniques, allowing for more precise and controlled transplantation of hair follicular units. The key features of this technique include:

  • No incisions: In DHI transplantation, there are no incisions or microchannels used, as in some other methods. Instead, implanter tools are employed to directly place hair follicular units in the recipient area.
  • Precision: Implanter tools enable precise control over the angle, depth, and direction in which hair is transplanted. This results in a very natural appearance.
  • No donor area incisions: DHI minimizes skin disturbances in the donor area, meaning it leaves no visible scars. Shortened Recovery Time: DHI may reduce the recovery time compared to some other techniques because it does not require large incisions or sutures.

FUE Method (Follicular Unit Extraction)

Hair transplantation using the FUE method is another popular technique with its own characteristics and benefits:

  • Extraction of Individual Hair Units: In the FUE method, hair follicular units are extracted individually from the donor area using micro tools. This means there is no need to remove a strip of skin, as in the FUT method.
  • No Visible Scars: Since there is no removal of a skin strip, FUE leaves minimal scarring in the donor area. These scars are usually microscopic and practically invisible.
  • Natural Appearance: Allowing for the transplantation of hair follicular units individually, FUE results in a highly natural appearance.
  • Extended Procedure Time: FUE procedures can be more time-consuming than DHI because each hair follicular unit is removed and transplanted individually.

Both techniques have their advantages, and the choice between them depends on the patient’s individual needs, the type of hair loss, and the doctor’s preferences for the procedure. Ultimately, it is crucial to have a consultation with an experienced specialist who can help determine which technique is best suited to the specific case of the patient.

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