Seasonal hair loss: when should I worry about it?
Seasonal hair loss is temporary hair loss due to a change in season. Why does this happen?
Seasonal hair loss involves hair loss caused by seasonal shedding, occurring more frequently at certain times of the year. If normally a person can lose between 100 and 120 hairs a day, during seasonal hair loss the rate of hair loss is much higher.
If you suffer from this problem and have started looking at the cost of a hair transplant in Turkey, don’t worry: seasonal shedding is not a reason for a transplant, or even for treatment. But why does seasonal hair loss happen? How do you distinguish it from the first signs of baldness? Is there a way to prevent it? Let’s find the answer to all these common questions.
Seasonal hair loss – myth or reality?
Although some experts believe that seasonal hair loss is almost an urban legend, and that there are other reasons for the increase in hair loss at certain times of the year. The truth is that most experts say that many people suffer from hair loss more often during certain seasons. But what is the cause of this hair loss?
Well, mammals change their fur twice a year. They do this to adapt to seasonal changes, including temperature, humidity or sunlight levels. We humans have evolved enough to lose almost all the hair on our bodies. And what is left remains stable throughout the year. But that doesn’t mean that our bodies don’t also adapt to environmental changes: that’s why we lose more hair in some seasons than in others.
In any case, it is important to stress that hair loss due to seasonal changes is minimal compared to other factors that can cause hair loss and even baldness; these factors include genetics, lifestyle (stress, diet, fatigue …), the use of certain techniques or products aggressive to our hair, or side effects caused by certain diseases or certain medications.
How to distinguish seasonal hair loss from symptoms of alopecia?
If you notice that your hair falls out more at certain times of the year, this should not be a cause for concern.
How long does seasonal hair loss last?
Well, the duration is usually limited to 1 or 2 months and then the hair grows back again. Don’t forget that the hair falls out, but at the same time new hair starts to grow. However, the problem starts when, after this time, you notice that you have lost density in your scalp or that your hair is getting thinner or weaker. These are clear signs of a problem that is not related to seasonal changes, but to other causes. Therefore, we must consult a doctor and ask for a proper diagnosis and treatment.
In general, we can distinguish seasonal hair loss from other causes that cause hair problems by taking into account the following considerations:
During seasonal hair loss, the appearance of the hair does not change; the opposite happens when there is a hair loss problem caused by other causes.
In the case of seasonal loss, hair density is also maintained and there is no loss of volume.
If there is an alopecia problem caused by illness, stress, poor diet or other factors, density decreases throughout the scalp or in specific areas such as the crown.
A symptom of baldness is that the hair appears thinner or unhealthy, especially in the root, which is a sign of weakness.
In which season is hair loss more occuring?
Usually, seasonal hair loss occurs in spring; however, seasonal hair loss in autumn is more prominent during the so-called seasonal effluvium (a type of telogen effluvium). During this period, hair regeneration is increased and we can lose up to 1,000 hairs per day; in addition, seasonal hair loss in women becomes more prominent than in men.
Seasonal hair loss in summer can also be particularly important in the last weeks of the season, when our hair has been punished by the sun and high temperatures. On the contrary, seasonal hair loss in winter is not common and usually happens during this time of year when the scalp is recovering and hair recovery rates are higher, although this can vary from person to person and lifestyle to lifestyle.
5 ways to reduce hair loss
If we observe hair loss during the seasonal change and there is no change in the texture, appearance or density of our hair, there should be no reason to worry about hair loss. But if you notice excessive fall (even in other areas such as eyebrows or eyelashes), or if there is a loss of density, or itching, inflammation or scarring occurs in hairless areas, you should see your doctor.
Also, if you are wondering how to stop seasonal hair loss, there are a few recommendations to follow. They will help you reduce or minimise hair loss during seasonal changes, such as:
- wash your hair regularly with non-aggressive shampoos and avoid brushing your hair while it is still wet,
- take your vitamins and eat a healthy diet
- massage your scalp with essential oils
- keep your body hydrated, especially in summer.
If you have other questions about hair transplantation or are looking for help Meditravel have a free online consultation service. We are the representative of the best rated clinic in Turkey Clinicana. Trust us!