Face lifting - Meet the secrets of the young star's appearance.
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Facelift – find out the secret of the young look of celebrities

Each of us dreams of a young, fresh and healthy look, despite the fact that years are coming. Over time, facial skin becomes more and more flabby, loses its firmness, vitality and volume. Wrinkles are becoming more and more visible, especially around the eyes, forehead, cheeks and neck.

The face becomes tired, grayish and loses its youthfulness. Therefore, we are still looking for treatments that do not bring the desired results in the long run.

To the rescue comes aesthetic medicine, which offers a procedure that reverses the effect of aging and brings the expected long-term results – rhytidectomy, commonly known as facelift. It is a surgical procedure that is designed to tighten and remove sagging skin, and eliminate or rearrange excess fat in the face or neck area.

We can divide the facelift into several types, which are selected during the consultation. It is important to take into account the areas that we want to improve, so the doctor will appropriately select the type of lift to meet the needs of the skin.


We can divide facelift into:

  • Traditional full facelift 

This type of facelift involves the entire facial area. The surgeon addresses deep wrinkles that appear on the forehead, around the eyes and mouth. Sagging cheeks and excessive skin on the neck. A full facelift provides comprehensive results, which is why it is recommended primarily for people over the age of 45.

  • Medium lift

The surgeon typically focuses on areas such as the eye area and cheeks during a midface lift procedure. To tighten and lift these parts of the face, the doctor makes an incision that is deeper than in a traditional facelift, which allows him or her to lift muscles that are not normally affected as in a traditional facelift. In addition, during this type of facelift, the surgeon uses facial implants to improve facial contours and accentuate the cheekbones. The procedure is recommended for people 30 and older.

  • Mini lifting

A mini facelift involves areas of the face such as the jaw, lower cheeks or neck. The surgeon makes small incisions usually along the hairline and behind the ear. Through these cuts, excess skin and fat is removed. The procedure is recommended for people who have shown the first signs of aging.

  • Lower facelift

This type of facelift focuses on areas such as the corners of the mouth, nasolabial folds or the jaw. The procedure itself is similar to other types of facelifts and is suitable for patients of all ages who want to address the signs of aging.

  • Thread Lifting

It is a quick and minimally invasive procedure. The surgeon creates small sutures under the skin to lift the underlying muscles. This procedure is performed with or without local anesthesia and is not a long-term effect. It is ideal for people who only want to make minor improvements to their appearance.

It is a very common procedure to combine a facelift with other procedures to help enhance the effects of a facelift.

The most popular procedures offered by surgeons are:

  • liposukcja twarzy,
  • powiększanie ust,
  • operacja powiek,
  • implanty twarzy,
  • peeling chemiczny,
  • laser,
  • mikrodermabrazja.

It is worth remembering that when deciding on a facelift, the biggest influence on the effect of the procedure is skin type and age. That is why it is so important to consult a qualified surgeon, with whom Meditravel cooperates.

In summary, a properly performed facelift rejuvenates the face by a minimum of 5 years. It smoothes the skin, firms the muscles, gives it a glow and restores attractive contours and facial features.

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